Jan 2018
Lorena Jaume-Palasí
Lorena is the executive director of AlgorithmWatch, a non-profit organisation to evaluate and shed light on algorithmic and automatization processes that have a social relevance. Her work focuses on philosophy of law and ethics of automatization and digitization. Lorena has been appointed by the Spanish government as a member of the Council of the Wise on Artificial Intelligence and Data Politics. 2018 she was elected by the Cotec Foundation as a member of its 100 experts for social change and innovation for her work on automatization and ethics. Lorena is a Bucerius Fellow of the Zeit Stiftung. She is a founder of the Dynamic Coalition on Publicness of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum. She also serves as the head of the secretariat of the German Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and on the expert advisory board of the Code Red initiative against mass surveillance. She has been consulted by international institutions, governments and corporations and testified before several governmental committees in diverse countries. Lorena has co-authored several books on Internet Governance and lectures and writes regularly on data protection, privacy, discrimination and the public sphere.